• Meet ourstudys team virtually VIA audio or video to ask your questions about exam for FREE.

  • Join and meet the people who had already written the same exam which you are going to write.

  • Join the community who are from different colleges but from same course and semester to discuss the topics which are coming for the exam.

  • Ask and discuss your questions regarding your subject freely from anyone to get more knowledge on the topics.

  • Share your knowledge on the topics which you had learnt for the exam till now with others.

  • Discuss about what kind of answer could be written in the exam to score maximum marks in the exam.

  • You can ask for important questions which other college faculty has given to their students.

  • Share and ask for subject notes, materials, PDF’s for that particular subject VIA document sharing on live with other students.

  • Meet the students from same course who had already solved the practical problems and learnt the subject early who can help you in explaining  the topic with the help  OURSTUDYS team in easy ways.


  • Enter your course, semester and mail id down below.

  • Set your username to get a unique user id from ourstudys.

  • Check your mail id if you got any mail.

  • Click on activate your username will be activated immediately.

  • After activating your username you will get unique user id type it before joining any meeting room.

  • Install zoom and discord apps in your mobile to be ready once there is any such meeting. (zoom app is mandatory)

  • You will receive mail from ourstudys right before such discussion and story will also be posted in social media pages of ourstudys with the room link in description.

  • Mail will be sent to you only if you get registered to know which course and semester so you can meet the right people in the room to ask your questions.

  • Join the room by typing your user id assigned to you via mail please don’t share it with others to avoid misuse and getting banned for future meetup under your name.

  • Join the meeting with your user id avoiding asking or giving your user id with other person.

  • Meeting can be held up as voice only but if you want to explain or get explanation in video chat message to room admin while in meeting he will assist you further.

  • Avoid sharing your mobile number, mail id to unknown strangers in the meeting to ensure your privacy is protected except sharing documents, pdf’s from phone to others if sent something accidently in the room immediately report to room admin.

  • avoid talking topics not related to your subject such as politics, cricket use the available time to clear your doubts or remain silent just to listen what others are talking about.

  • Abusing, trolling or complaining on any guest or stranger will make you ban permanently from OURSTUDYS room meetings be sensible and respectful towards opposite or same gender.

  • You will be allowed to speak only after typing your question to admin of the room he will read it before and will activate your mic so you can ask your question with others.

  • While one is speaking other visitors mic will be turned off to avoid noise and unnecessary interruption to add something what the person had said you can simply tap on hand emoji in the chat.

  • Chance to speak about the topic will be given accordingly to every visitor to cover all questions possibly from room admin.

  • Maintain room decorum while being polite and humble with everyone.

  • Make the best use of such meeting.

  • Do your homework 1st before joining the room, revise or brush up the basic theory parts of the topics you wanted to ask questions about the topics from each chapter without any basic knowledge you won’t be able to understand it better at least read about it on the internet before joining the meet.

  • Before the start of discussion keep all your things in front of you such as your subject textbook, material books related to the subject, class notes given by your faculty or written by you, PDF’s with documents related to the subject given by your faculty and a simple notebook to note down points when someone is explaining any topic to help yourself learn again after the meet is over.

  • If you had learnt about any particular topic in the subject and you are interested to speak about it with other students you can message in the chat box while live discussion is going on you can speak whatever you had learnt about it which is relevant to the topic.

  • Before joining the room sit comfortably in a table chair with your books in front of you in a quiet room or place where noise is very less so you can be audible to others.

  • Check your mail or  view our story on media to get to know what kind of discussion will be conducted and what time to join the room.