OU to launch reading room complex for students - Telangana Today


Hyderabad: Osmania University (OU) students will soon be able to prepare for different competitive and recruitment exams round-the-clock with the varsity administration deciding to establish a reading room complex on the campus.
The new facility with reading material for various competitive exams will come up in the Civil Services Academy which will be accessible only to students of the campus and constituent colleges of the university.
With the State government announcing a staggering 80,039 vacancies in various departments for recruitment, the university is establishing the Civil Services Academy by renovating the central workshop on the campus at an estimated cost of Rs.39 lakh. The works for the same have commenced and it is expected to be thrown open to students in a month.
“The university is establishing a reading room complex exclusively for students preparing for competitive exams. The main library on the campus will be for academics and research purposes,” OU Vice Chancellor, Prof. D Ravinder told Telangana Today.
Apart from the reading room complex, the university has proposed to construct four more new hostels for women as their enrollment has proportionately gone up in the last few years. Two more new hostels for men have also been proposed. Among other new facilities, the varsity has proposed to construct-new administrative building and pylon/centenary memorial besides taking up maintenance of buildings.
All these new facilities have been proposed by the university in its deficit budget of Rs.37.56 crore for the financial year 2022-23 presented to the Academic Senate on Wednesday. While the university’s estimated expenditure for 2022-23 is Rs.746.32, it has revenue from all internal resources and State government block grant to the tune of Rs.708.76 crore.
This deficit is despite the fact that the State government in its budget for financial year 2022-23 had enhanced the block grant for the university by Rs.64.17 crore from Rs.353.89 crore in 2021-22 to Rs.418.06 for 2022-23.
“As the block grant allocated by the government in the budget to the university for the year 2022-23 is inadequate, the government would be requested for sanction of full-fledged and enhanced block grant to overcome the shortfall,” Professor of Department of Commerce and University Executive Council member, V Appa Rao said while presenting the budget.
The university has also decided to tap all its internal resources to bridge the shortfall and approach companies under CSR and alumni for taking up developmental and repair works.
“We have prepared DPRs for developmental and repair works to be taken up. These will be given to interested donors who can take up the works, complete and handover to the university,” an official said.
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